1. Cookie Policy, web beacons and similar technologies

1.1      General information


The website www.nucleotrad.com and related subdomains (hereinafter “THE SITE“) is the property of SC NUCLEOTRAD SRL (hereinafter “THE COMPANY”), being identified with the following data:



Social headquarters: Al. Nicolae Iorga nr. 12, bl. A59, sc. 1, ap. 6, Craiova, Dolj, Romania Trade Registry Office No: J16/761/2016

CUI: 35915502

Telephone: +390510216004

Email: office@nucleotrad.com


Any service available on the Site, including chat rooms, newsgroups, personal web pages and/or other messaging or communication services designed to allow you to communicate directly or indirectly with another USER, with a group or with the general public (services called “SERVICES“) are subject to this policy (“COOKIE POLICY“).



1.2      What is a cookie


A cookie is a text file sent by the site to the browser to be stored on your device in order to retain information about you: login information, language preferences, etc. The Site uses both Company-set cookies and third-party cookies for marketing efforts.

Specifically, the Company uses cookies and other tracking technologies for the following purposes:

  • To help you browse the Site;
  • To analyze how you browse the Company’s products/services;
  • For assistance in Company marketing efforts, including behavioral advertising.

Both the Company and certain third parties providing content, advertising or other functionality through Company Services may use cookies, pixels, web beacons and other technologies in certain areas of the Services.


Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, TV, mobile phone, or any other device you use to access the Site. They allow you to be recognized on various websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions.

Cookies have many useful purposes, such as:

  • cookies can retain your login data so you do not have to enter them each time you log in to a Service;

  • cookies help the Company to understand which sections of the Services are most popular in order to see what pages and features you’re visiting and how long you spend on certain pages. Later, the Company can better customize the Services and offer you better experience.
  • cookies help The Company to offer relevant content and advertising by collecting information about how you use the Company Services.


1.3      Changing your cookie preferences


When using a web browser to access the Company’s Site and Services, you can configure it to accept cookies, reject them, or notify you when a cookie is being sent.

Refer to the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

Details on changing browser settings can be found on the developer websites of the browsers listed below:


  • Microsoft Edge, website link:


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, website link:

https://support.microsoft.com/ro-ro/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-  manage-cookies


Please note that some Services may be designed to operate with cookies and disabling them may affect the use of these Services or certain parts thereof.


1.4      Types of cookies used


The Company’s Site and Services use the following types of cookies:

  1. Basic or necessary cookies – that facilitate the use of the Services on the Site;
  2. Performance or preference cookies – analyze Site performance and error detection. For example, the Company may notice that you have previously visited the Site and can display the most popular sections of the Site. In order to do this, Google Analytics and other similar services provided by third-party companies are used on the Site with no limitation.

Some information generated by such cookies with regard to the use of the website may be stored on servers in other countries. These third-party services will use this information for reporting with regard to Site activity for the benefit of the Company.  The IP address sent by your browser will not be associated with other personal data owned by these third-party services. For example, you can prevent the transmission of the Site’s user data (including IP address) towards Google Analytics and processing of data at that location if you download and install a browser plug-in (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=ro).

  1. Functional cookies – allow offering an enhanced user experience. For example, this type of cookie ensures that the next time you access the Site the information will be displayed according to user preferences.
  2. Advertising cookies – which allow the Company and its partners to provide advertising or the possibility of direct contact if you have accepted such communications separately.


1.5      Third-party cookies


The Company Site may display content from another website or third-party service, which results in the storage of third-party cookies on your browser.

The company cannot control the storage of these cookies. For this reason, the Company recommends reviewing the privacy policies of those third parties for more information.


1.6      Web beacons and/or pixels


The company, together with third parties can use technologies called web beacons or pixels that communicate information from your device to a server. These technologies can be embedded in online content, videos and e-mails, and allow a server to read certain types of information on your device, find out when viewing specific content or a specific e-mail message, determine the time and date you viewed the web beacon and the pixel and the IP address of your device.

You will be required to consent to this type of cookies when accessing and using the Company Services.


The experience of the Site/Services may be affected if you do not accept some or all cookies.


1.7   Other information


More information on cookies can be found on the website www.allaboutcookies.org or http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro.






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Personal data processing policy page [LINK].

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This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to the site you accept their use. More info in our cookies policy.     ACCEPT